When a ‘Possum’ became an Adorable Lapcat: The Unlikely Transformation Story

A rescuer who follows the TNR method of trapping, neutering, and returning animals has successfully caught what appeared to be a cat but was actually an opossum. This furry creature, now affectionately named Possum, had been on the run for nearly five months while suffering from a wounded leg. Despite his obvious need for help, he managed to elude capture until now. It is suspected that Possum was once a house pet and may have poor vision due to a condition called strabismus, or being cross-eyed.

Woman Catches Elusive ‘Possum’ Who Becomes an ‘Unspeakably Lovable’ Lapcat

According to the TNR rescuer from New Jersey, locals believed that Possum was abandoned and visually impaired due to his cross-eyed appearance. The rescue team also suspected that he might be suffering from entropion, a condition that causes eye irritation. Initially, Possum was aggressive, growling and attacking anyone who approached him inside the TNR trap. However, the rescuer patiently worked with him and discovered that he was actually a sweet cat at heart. She believed that with socialization, he could become a happy indoor cat since his poor eyesight would make it difficult for him to survive in the wild. With lots of love and care, the rescuer helped Possum transform into a lovable feline companion.

Woman Catches Elusive ‘Possum’ Who Becomes an ‘Unspeakably Lovable’ Lapcat

Fortunately for Possum the cat, a skilled foster family who specializes in caring for visually impaired or “pirate kittens” took him in and enrolled him in their foster ‘Playschool.’ Possum’s unique character and lovable quirks, such as his “goofy little face and sweet chirps,” were fully embraced by his foster family. Despite being initially overwhelmed, Possum gradually became more comfortable with being petted and showed his affection by purring and nuzzling his foster mom. He even enjoyed grooming sessions and a much-needed bath, made easier with the help of a new foster friend named Danica. As Possum adjusted to his pampered lapcat life, he gained confidence and became like a happy, relaxed kitten with solid loafing skills. Overall, Possum found a loving home where he was appreciated for who he is.

Woman Catches Elusive ‘Possum’ Who Becomes an ‘Unspeakably Lovable’ Lapcat

During Possum’s one-month stay, I’ve grown fond of his charming personality, gentle demeanor, and cute little face, which he often sticks out (bleps). This TNR cat was almost ready for adoption, but his cuteness level skyrocketed even more. It’s hard not to fall in love with Possum’s endearing goofiness and lovable nature; he’s a gem. To prevent him from scratching at a lesion on his side caused by over-grooming, Jen and Ian dressed him up in an adorable onesie (surgery recovery suit). Unlike the cone option, the onesie had a hole around his tail to allow him to do his business while preventing him from licking his wound as it heals. Possum is such a good boy and doesn’t mind wearing the suit, taking it on and off. Undoubtedly, he is the bestest boy ever, and I adore him so much.

Woman Catches Elusive ‘Possum’ Who Becomes an ‘Unspeakably Lovable’ Lapcat

The silly lovebug didn’t have to wait too long before he found his fur-ever home. The foster family was delighted to see how much progress he had made. Fostering can be an emotional rollercoaster ride, but moments like these make it all worth it. Witnessing a special cat like Possum find a loving and permanent home brought immense joy to everyone involved. Possum’s journey is an inspiration to keep going when things get tough. He has settled in well with his new family and enjoys snuggling with them at night and following them around the house. It is heartwarming to see him adapt to his new life with such ease.

Woman Catches Elusive ‘Possum’ Who Becomes an ‘Unspeakably Lovable’ Lapcat

“Breaking news: A furry feline in the neighborhood is facing a critical shortage of playthings. The situation is alarming and needs immediate attention. Stay tuned for further updates at 11.”

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