Introducing Loki Kitteh: The Adorable and Affectionate Vampire Cat

As of February 21, 2023, the most recent update has been made.

Having a unique appearance can often make people take notice of you. Angel, a cat at the shelter, was not treated kindly by the other cats because of her distinct angry appearance. Kaitlyn Koch stumbled upon a photo of this unique looking feline being held safely in an employee’s office at Chittenden County Humane Society while volunteering her time there.

Koch told TODAY about the now famous kitty we know as Loki Kitten: “At the time, I had no interest in taking in a fuzzy companion. But I had to meet her.”

Loki Kitteh

They met and from then on, history was made! Koch recalled, “I was brought to the office and they pulled open a desk drawer to reveal a very perturbed looking feline. She was huddled all the way to the back and glared at me with those big blue eyes, and the girls explained to me that she was very shy but occasionally showed affection to specific employees. They fed her a few treats and then allowed her to retreat back into the darkness of the desk.” The very next day, she brought this adorable vampire cat, appropriately named Loki Kitteh, to come home and live with her.

Loki Kitteh

Loki Kitteh

The name of the shelter kitty, Loki, pays homage to a Norse mythological god, which seems more fitting than an angel for a cat with fierce fangs and a cute grimace. Although initially timid, her cat mom reports that she has been nothing but loving once she settled in and learned to trust. According to Koch, “She’s the most loving and snuggly cat I’ve ever had.”

Loki Kitteh

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For Loki Kitteh, her health is reportedly in good condition and her vision is clear despite the fact that she sleeps with one eye open, making her even more of a feline vampire! Koch doesn’t know much about her cat’s past, and she adopted Loki when she was around eight years old. Perhaps it will remain a mystery, just like her cute appearance. Either way, her dedicated cat mom spoils her to make up for lost time.

The debut Instagram photo of Loki Kittieh, posted in January 2015.

Loki Kitteh

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Tortie, who was once abandoned in a crate, now spends her days being oh-so-adorable and perfectly photogenic. Over the five years that she’s been a feline celebrity, she’s amassed an impressive fan base of 473k and growing on Instagram who fawn over her natural adorableness that she effortlessly displays daily.

And Loki Kitten, you are simply the cutest kitty! If I were your cat mom, I’d get nothing done all day because I would just stare at you and smile.

Looking to stay updated on this lovely lady’s social media? You can find her on Instagram under the handle @Loki_Kitten and/or on Facebook as The Little Vampire Cat. Have you come across Monk the vampire cat? He’s also one of our favorites!

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