“From the Streets of Dubai to a Forever Home in Canada: The Story of a Stunning FIV-Positive Cat’s Journey”

Jennifer came across a post by Jenna on Instagram about Leo, a cat with FIV in Dubai who needed a loving home. Jennifer knew she had to adopt him and left a comment on the post saying, “I’ll take him. Come live with us buddy.” She followed through on her word and brought Leo into her home.

former street cat with fiv

Jennifer had already rescued an FIV+ cat named Mr. Cat from the streets near her home in Vancouver, Canada, so she was sure that she could provide Leo with the care he required. Jennifer shared that she spent months feeding Mr. Cat before managing to trap him since he was feral and in bad condition. She domesticated him, and today he is an amazing cat. Her experience with Mr. Cat gave her the confidence to help another cat in need like Leo and restore his feline essence.

former street cat with fiv

Leo, just like Mr. Cat, used to live on the streets of Dubai until a compassionate woman named Asma Amer rescued him. Asma was feeding several homeless cats and kittens when she encountered Leo during her dinner break at an outdoor market in May 2018.

former street cat with fiv

Asma encountered a tabby cat at the market that had an uncanny resemblance to a lion and thus named him Leo. However, despite his fierce appearance, the cat was in need of help due to the injuries on his face. Asma was uncertain whether he was homeless or not, so she decided to take a video of him and seek her friends’ opinions on social media. She couldn’t pick him up as she had to go back to work, but promised Leo that she would return. Asma shared Leo’s video on Facebook, which garnered mixed reactions from people who urged her to stay away from the scared feline.

former street cat with fiv

Asma received a call from animal welfare asking about the whereabouts of Leo, assuming that he was a hybrid and belonged to a zoo. However, a rescuer skilled in trapping homeless cats came to her aid and confirmed that Leo was indeed a domestic feline. Asma went back to the market the next day and found Leo in the same spot where she had left him. Leo is quite a handsome tabby cat.

former street cat with fiv

Asma recalls feeling a strong connection with Leo when they first met. She believed that Leo was waiting for her to come back and rescue him. While Asma was working at the market, a kind-hearted rescuer took Leo to the vet. However, upon returning from the animal hospital, the rescuer instructed Asma to release the homeless tabby back onto the street. This was because Leo had tested positive for feline immunodeficiency disorder (FIV), which compromises the immune system of cats and makes it more challenging for them to fight off illnesses and infections.

former street cat with fiv

Asma recalls the time when a five-year-old feline, Leo, was brought to her with a grim prognosis. The cat’s owner said he would die in two days and advised Asma not to spend money on him. Instead of abandoning Leo, Asma decided to use her own funds to get the care that he required. Despite the common belief that cats with FIV cannot have a happy lifestyle, they can if provided with nutritious food and proactive medical care. Leo was admitted to an animal hospital, where he underwent treatment for severe anemia, dehydration, and wounds all over his face. However, due to a misunderstanding, the staff assumed that he was aggressive and sedated him during treatments, preventing him from interacting with people. After spending a month in the hospital, Leo found a new home with a flight attendant who left him alone in a room for ten days with few visits from a friend. The friend refused to check on him after falling ill and did not want to clean his litter box.

former street cat with fiv

The photo on Instagram, posted by @mr.cat_and_leo.the.brave, depicts a heartwarming story of Asma and her feline companion Leo. The flight attendant initially took care of Leo but had to return him to Asma after just three months because she couldn’t give him the attention he needed. Asma opened her heart and home to Leo, who initially hid under the bed and refused to come out. However, Asma’s persistence paid off as Leo started to trust humans again. Despite knowing that Leo would make a great pet, Asma had a hard time finding someone in the UAE who was willing to adopt him.

former street cat with fiv

According to Asma, finding a home for Leo in UAE was difficult as people preferred long-haired fluffy breeds and were reluctant to adopt cats with health issues. Fortunately, Jenna, who had experience with an FIV+ former street cat named Mr. Belvedere, connected Asma with Jennifer. Finally, on November 19, 2018, Leo flew to Seattle and met his new family at the airport for the first time.

former street cat with fiv

Leo, featured in an Instagram post by @mr.cat_and_leo.the.brave, had a rough time settling into his new home in Vancouver with Jennifer. It took him around four months to get used to his surroundings, and he even hissed at Jennifer every time she approached him! Leo has FIV, which weakens his immune system, and suffered from stomatitis, which is inflammation of the mouth and lips. This caused him great discomfort, and he had to undergo several tooth extractions while living in Dubai.

former street cat with fiv

Jennifer shared that Leo had undergone surgeries in Dubai which were not successful and caused him immense pain. Upon adopting him, Jennifer took him to a specialist who cleaned up the mess from his previous surgeries. Leo was finally relieved of his constant discomfort and started to come out of his shell. He began to communicate with his family through meowing and even played with his first toy. Jennifer believes that former street cats form strong bonds with their rescuers and adopters as if they know who saved them, having experienced a similar process with Mr. Cat.

former street cat with fiv

Jennifer expressed her admiration for animals, stating that their resilience, love, and forgiveness towards humans are incredible. It is rewarding for her to witness these animals relearn, regain trust, and transform into a happy, calm, purring, and cuddling cat despite previously experiencing hunger, cold, and pain. She believes that humans can learn a lot from them. Even though Leo has made significant progress since Jennifer adopted him six months ago, he still does not allow her to touch him. Nonetheless, she focuses on how far he has come instead of how much further he has to go. According to Jennifer, working with street cats requires patience, time, respect, and love. She respects their boundaries but also understands how to step out of their comfort zone to help them learn how to trust. Asma and Jennifer are two special women dedicated to improving the lives of animals that are often misunderstood and overlooked. Regardless of what the future holds for Leo, his outlook is much brighter, thanks to their efforts. Asma describes Leo as a strong fighter who wanted to live, and both she and Leo fought together to save his life.

former street cat with fiv

Leo, the beloved cat of Jennifer, is now able to live his remaining days with comfort and joy thanks to Asma. With Asma’s help, Leo can now indulge in his favorite activities like asking for more food, showing off his fluffy tummy, and following Jennifer around the house. The unconditional love, respect, and appreciation that he receives from his family has made him a remarkable boy. Jennifer considers Leo an integral part of her family and ensures that he is given the freedom to be himself. His inspiring journey is a daily inspiration to Jennifer and reminds her to appreciate the little things in life.

former street cat with fiv

Discover more about Leo by giving him and his rescuer a follow on Instagram. Check out their page @mr.cat_and_leo.the.brave.

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