“Two One-Eyed Feline Friends with Eyelid Agenesis Find Their Happily Ever After in a Forever Home”

Mary Ann turned to Instagram for comfort after losing her two cherished cats. She began following pet rescue and foster accounts, hoping to one day adopt another pair of feline friends. Her heart was shattered after losing 15-year-old Emily to a blood clot and beloved Claudia to lymphoma just seven months later. In late 2017, Beth Stern started fostering a group of sick and frightened kittens who were found living in a car engine at a dealership in Hollywood. Mary Ann was touched by their story.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

Good news for the little furry creatures. The kittens were found by a young woman and taken to an experienced rescuer who was able to provide them with proper care. The three siblings were given baths and taken to a veterinary clinic to undergo a thorough examination. Sadly, two of the kittens, Sylvie and Jules, were diagnosed with feline eyelid agenesis, which means they were born without eyelids. This condition caused discomfort and pain as their eyelashes grew into their eyes. Mary Ann explains the situation.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

Luckily, Sylvie, Jules, and their sibling Jolie, who is a tortoiseshell cat with blindness, caught the eye of Beth Stern. She has significant expertise in looking after animals with specific needs, so she volunteered to take care of them until they could find permanent homes. According to Mary Ann, Beth transported them from her residence in Palm Beach to her abode in the Hamptons, where they received plenty of love, support, and extra medical attention. The trio enjoyed a happy, secure, and well-nurtured existence under Beth’s supervision for approximately four months while receiving treatment for their medical concerns.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

Beth brought her pets, Sylvie and Jules, to Long Island Veterinary Specialists (LIVS) to have them checked by Dr. Sapienza, an ophthalmologist. Upon examination, it was found that both of them needed to have one of their eyes removed. In addition to this, Dr. Sapienza performed cryosurgery on their remaining eyes to remove any hair that could cause injury or irritation. A photo of the two lovebugs can be found on @sylvie_and_jules_thelovebugs Instagram page.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

After undergoing cryosurgery, the veterinarian discovered that Jules and Sylvie had restricted eyesight in their other eyes. Therefore, they needed to have regular cleaning and lubrication twice a day for an indefinite period. Mary Ann observed the furry creatures’ journey as they experienced both good and bad moments under Beth’s care. She then decided to send Beth an email to check on their progress and express her love for animals. Mary Ann shared her story and the sadness she felt, hoping to find out more about Jules and Sylvie. After hearing her message, Beth believed that the two felines would be a suitable match for Mary Ann.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

Sylvie and Jules, two ginger kittens, were looking for a forever home together. Although Jolie, their sister, had already been pre-adopted by a different family, Beth was determined to keep the two siblings together due to their strong bond. Luckily, Mary Ann was searching for a pair of cats to adopt and welcomed Sylvie and Jules into her family in early 2018 when they were about five months old. The trio has been happy together ever since.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

Mary Ann expressed her gratitude towards Beth and her assistant for delivering the cats to her on Super Bowl Sunday last February. She felt overwhelmed with joy as they were delivered with love for the two innocent felines. Mary Ann considers herself lucky to have them in her home as they have adapted well and enjoy cuddling, playing, and racing around the house.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

The picture shown above is from an Instagram account called @sylvie_and_jules_thelovebugs. However, after a month of adopting Jules, Mary Ann noticed that he was behaving strangely and trying to mate with his sister. This was odd since he had already been neutered before he was adopted. Mary Ann and Beth took Jules to the Long Island Veterinary Specialists (LIVS) where they discovered that one of his testicles had not been removed during the neutering process. As a result, Jules was diagnosed with cryptorchidism, a condition in which the testicles do not descend properly, and had to undergo exploratory surgery to remove the remaining testicle.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

According to Mary Ann, Sylvie had to undergo another cryosurgery because the first one did not meet the expectations. This led to a difficult period of traveling back and forth to LIVS, which was located at a distance of two to four hours away, depending on traffic. However, the good news is that both Sylvie and Jules are currently in great health despite their visual impairment. Their cuteness quotient remains unaffected and they celebrated their first birthday with much joy and fervor, living an active and cheerful life.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

These adorable special needs cats, nicknamed “The Love Bugs” by their foster mom, are proving to be just as loving and capable as their name suggests. According to Mary Ann, Jules is a gentle and reserved cat, while Sylvie is more lively and outgoing, but both are incredibly sweet and cozy angels. Their Instagram account is a must-follow for any cat lover!

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

After the passing of her two cats, Emily and Claudia, Mary Ann was introduced to Sylvie and Jules on social media. She feels grateful to have adopted the loving and resilient duo, describing them as “very special kitties.” Mary Ann believes that it’s a perfect match and cherishes her feline companions, feeling like it was meant to be.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

The Instagram account @sylvie_and_jules_thelovebugs showcases two special needs cats who have become the center of Mary Ann’s life. Although she didn’t plan on adopting animals with health issues, Mary Ann has become a passionate advocate for these pets who often struggle to find homes. She believes that special needs cats and dogs are full of love and deserving of a chance at a happy life. Mary Ann encourages others to consider adopting from this often-overlooked population.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

Sylvie and Jules, two adorable cats, were fortunate to be rescued from a car engine when they were just a few weeks old. Since then, they have always had someone to take care of them and show them love. Throughout their lives, many people have been enchanted by the remarkable felines, but it is their guardian, Mary Ann, who loves them the most. According to Mary Ann, the cats are lovely and affectionate, making them the most gentle and loving pets ever. These charming creatures, with their imperfections, are pure love in her eyes.

one-eyed ginger cats with feline eyelid agenesis

If you’re looking to get more information about these charming felines, you can check out Jules and Sylvie on Instagram. Their account is full of cute pictures and videos that will surely make your day!

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