“Experience the Great Outdoors with Furry Friends: Join Our Animal Sanctuary Hike and Meet Adorable Dogs Up for Adoption!”

Territorio de Zaguates, also known as Land of the Strays, is a haven for more than 1,800 dogs situated in the picturesque mountains of Costa Rica. Although it may seem implausible, this sanctuary is a real-life paradise for canines in need. The idea for Land of the Strays came to fruition approximately 17 years ago when Lya Battle and Alvaro Saumet decided to lend a hand to the street dogs of Costa Rica. Initially, they began their rescue mission in their two-bedroom home but quickly realized that it would not suffice once they had over one hundred dogs under their care. Fortunately, Battle’s grandfather had left behind a 370-acre farm in the mountains, so they packed their things and pups and relocated their rescue operation there. Today, Territorio de Zaguates stands as a magical place where dogs can run free, receiving the care and love they deserve.

hiking with shelter dogs

Land of the Strays became a refuge for numerous dogs when some local shelters closed down and left their canines in their care. The number of dogs at the sanctuary increased significantly, and their efforts in rescuing dogs gained recognition worldwide. Currently, the sanctuary provides shelter to more than 1,000 dogs. The majority of these adorable puppies are adoptable both nationally and internationally. However, some dogs with unique looks, age, or special needs may never find a forever home and are considered permanent residents. As the founder of Land of the Strays, Lya Battle, told The Dodo, their mission is to provide a temporary home for dogs seeking a second chance at life.

hiking with shelter dogs

As you wander through the sanctuary, you’ll feel like you’ve found paradise. You can run through the fields or hike up the nearby mountains, and no matter where you go, there’s always a group of eager dogs ready to join you on your adventures.

The caretakers here make sure the dogs get plenty of exercise – they take them out for runs three times a day, and each outing lasts for about three hours. During these excursions, the dogs get to frolic in the hills, splash around in a little pond we created for them, and generally have a great time.

Our pack of hundreds of dogs is divided into smaller groups, with each one led by a caretaker. The dogs tend to choose one of these caretakers as their “alpha” and stick together with their group. Even when they have free reign to explore the property, they prefer to stay close to their human companions because they love spending time with them.

hiking with shelter dogs

The sanctuary has designated spaces for senior and differently-abled dogs, as well as those who prefer some alone time. Some of the long-time residents are independent and like to wander the property alone, but the caretakers trust them to return to their designated areas by nightfall.

hiking with shelter dogs

Land of the Strays has always been a charming place because they allow visitors to come and explore their surroundings with their numerous dogs. However, they have encountered a challenge in this endeavor lately.

hiking with shelter dogs

A few years back, we were forbidden by the government to welcome visitors and were presented with a long list of infrastructure demands, which felt like it couldn’t be fulfilled. Despite this, we put in a lot of effort and initiated renovations that led to a total overhaul of our farm. Presently, we are facing difficulty in finishing some of our construction projects so that we can hopefully resume receiving visitors and volunteers by next year.

hiking with shelter dogs

All the funding for the sanctuary comes from generous donations, which can be a challenge at times. Nonetheless, everyone involved is dedicated to ensuring that every dog in their care receives the utmost attention and care. Despite occasional setbacks, such as the need to prioritize food or medical treatment, the team keeps pushing forward with their projects. As Battle puts it, they remain committed and “still going strong.”

hiking with shelters dogs

In the near future, it is expected that this sanctuary will once again welcome visitors. When this happens, all travelers to Costa Rica should make it a priority to visit and experience the joy of being surrounded by more than a thousand charming dogs. To show your support for these furry friends, consider making a donation to Land of the Strays.

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