A Zoo Provides Emotional Support Puppies for Shy Cheetah Cubs

Zoo Gives Shy Cheetah Cubs Their Own Emotional Support Puppy

Sharing is caring! Share this: Although cheetahs may appear to be fierce, dominant predators, the truth is that they’re actually very shy and anxious. Like house cats, cheetahs have some skittish tendencies. These “fearsome” creatures are sensitive and introverted animals that are easily stressed.

The Columbus Zoo has expressed concern about the stress levels of cheetahs, which makes it difficult for them to reproduce and threatens the future of their species. However, the zookeepers have come up with a creative and adorable solution to help their cheetah cubs be less stressed. Each cub has been given their own emotional support dog!

The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium aims to enhance the emotional well-being of cheetahs by teaching them how to relax and have fun through interacting with dogs. This process helps reduce stress in cubs, which prevents breeding difficulties as adults. Dogs are ideal for this task as they are eager to make friends and offer a helping hand.

The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium have implemented a technique that other zoos have used in the past for conservation purposes. According to the San Diego Zoo, cheetahs are assigned an emotional support dog when they are between 3-4 months old. Their friendship takes time to develop and doesn’t happen overnight.

The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium provides a slow and careful introduction process for pairs of animals that can take several weeks or even months. They start by introducing them through a fence with a dog on a leash, allowing them to become familiar with each other. Then, they gradually warm up to supervised play dates.

With the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium’s permission, it is reported that the cheetah cub and dog have developed a strong bond and have become inseparable. Besides meal times, they do pretty much everything together. The cheetahs have learned how to be more playful from their friendly canine companions. They mimic the happy-go-lucky nature of the dogs, who do an excellent job easing the cheetahs’ nervousness.

Witnessing cheetahs in their natural habitat is truly a sight to behold, and the pictures speak for themselves! However, it’s important to note that cheetahs as a species (Acinonyx jubatus) are currently classified as “vulnerable” by the IUCN. Some cheetah species, such as the Asiatic Cheetah and Northwest African Cheetah, are already critically endangered.

With an estimated count of only 7,100 cheetahs left in the wild, their existence is constantly threatened by farmers, agricultural development, and the illegal trade of live cubs and adults. However, there is hope for the cheetah population, as recent research has shown that emotional support dogs may be able to assist cheetahs raised in captivity to thrive as a species. The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium provided courtesy images for this article.

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