A Resilient Pup: Abandoned Twice in One Day, Finds Forever Love

After a kind stranger rescued a paralyzed dog, the poor pup named Tintin was heartbreakingly abandoned not once, but twice in a single day by his callous owners. A video captured the moment when a woman left Tintin on the street, only for him to be eventually returned to his family. Sadly, the woman’s husband later abandoned Tintin again. Despite missing one front leg and having a disability in the other, Tintin remains resilient in the face of such cruelty.

He was unceremoniously abandoned in Sao Leopoldo, a city located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in the southern region of Brazil. The alarming footage was shared on Facebook, attracting more than 220,000 views and receiving numerous comments from viewers.

A woman driving a white car pulls over to the side of the road and lets two dogs out of the back seat. She gently encourages the black dog to get back in the car, but shoves the other dog away. Tintin, the injured dog, watches sadly as the woman drives off.

Local media reported that the dog was abandoned twice in one day, first by a family who returned it, and then by the woman’s husband who left it in a different area. Fortunately, the three-legged dog was rescued and is now under the care of local animal protection organizations.

After the video went viral on social media, over 30 people have come forward to offer a loving home to the dog, despite its health issues since birth.

At the same time, authorities in the area seem to be looking into the situation surrounding the deserted animal.

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