“From Foster Mom’s Heart to Feline Caretaker: The Tale of an Adorable Cat with Eyelid Agenesis”

Tina, a skilled cat foster parent for Best Friends Animal Society in Los Angeles, was delighted to accept the responsibility of taking care of four newborn kittens back in March 2016. The little felines were only a few weeks old at that time, and Tina was more than happy to provide them with the care they needed.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

Tina recalls receiving an email from the rescue organization asking her if she was willing to adopt four kittens with eye issues. One of them had a severe condition and was half the size, making it uncertain whether he would survive. She agreed without hesitation and picked up the kittens that same day.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

@mycatbenny on Instagram shared a photo of a group of kittens that were in poor health. The Best Friends Animal Society expressed their worry about Benny, a male ginger kitten who was born with feline eyelid agenesis, a condition where the eyelids are absent at birth.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

According to Tina, who shared a photo of her cat Benny on Instagram (@mycatbenny), corneal ulcers are more likely to occur in feral cat colonies due to the mother cat’s poor nutrition. When Benny and his siblings were rescued, they all had this condition, but Tina managed to save their eyes with the help of medication. It took Benny a bit longer to heal than his brothers and sisters.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

According to Tina, the owner of @mycatbenny on Instagram, Benny was the smallest kitten in his litter. As a result, while his siblings were growing rapidly, he was lagging behind. It wasn’t until Benny was two months old that he started to grow, whereas his siblings had already reached two pounds by that age. In fact, Benny didn’t reach two pounds until he was four months old.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

Despite being small in size, Benny had a big personality that made him stand out. As he grew older, Tina realized that she could never part with the energetic orange kitten due to his charm and the health issues he faced as a kitten. She spent countless hours cuddling Benny to ensure his survival, especially since she was uncertain of his chances of making it through.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

@mycatbenny on Instagram shared an adorable image of a ginger kitten named Benny who formed a special bond with his human, Tina. While Benny’s siblings were adopted into their forever homes, Tina decided to keep the cute little feline. Tina had previously adopted a three-legged cat named Norman in 2012 and realized that cats with special needs often have a hard time finding homes even though they are no different from typical cats. Tina shares that Norman is a sweet and loving cat who does everything that cats with four legs do. The experience made Tina and her family realize how much harder it is to find homes for cats that are different.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

Benny was lucky enough to find a loving owner without any trouble despite his struggles as a kitten. Today, he is a joyful and healthy cat with excellent eyesight. It has been over two years since Tina became Benny’s owner, and he is thriving under her care, despite having undergone a few medical procedures.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

The lack of eyelids in feline creatures such as Benny can expose their eyes to potential harm, and one of the most significant risks is posed by their fur. Tina shares that her pet cat has undergone a two-stage surgery to reconstruct his eyelids and has had to remove hair that constantly rubbed against his eyes through freezing on several occasions.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

Benny’s Instagram page, @mycatbenny, shared a photo that showed his unique condition – eyelid agenesis. If left untreated, this condition could lead to infections and even blindness. However, not all cats with this condition need surgery or complex procedures. Some may only need extra care such as applying eye lubricant a few times a day. According to Tina, it’s not a big deal for many cats with eyelid agenesis.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

According to Tina, who owns a cat named Benny with eyelid agenesis, cats with this condition may have a distinctive appearance, but they are just like any other cat when it comes to their behavior. She wishes people would understand that they are equally loving, playful, and enjoyable as a typical cat. Tina believes that Benny is a regular cat in every way other than his unique physical feature.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

Meet Benny, the playful feline who can’t get enough of wand toys and running on his wheel. He’s a ball of energy that loves roughhousing with his siblings, even the foster kittens his mom brings home from Best Friends Animal Society. According to his owner, Tina, “Benny’s favorite pastime is bullying his siblings by playfully wrestling with them.”

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

@mycatbenny on Instagram is where you can find the adorable Benny. While he may seem like your average feline, his owner Tina shares a special connection with this charming ginger boy. Their bond began when Benny was just a few weeks old and facing an uncertain future due to health issues. Luckily, Tina was there to give him the love and attention he needed to overcome those difficult weeks. Benny is grateful for everything that his mom did to comfort him and nurse him back to health, and their unbreakable bond is evident to anyone who meets them.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

According to Tina, her beloved pet cat Benny is not just any ordinary feline. He is her constant companion and holds a special place in her heart. Despite facing numerous challenges, Benny has shown remarkable resilience, tenacity, and vitality which have endeared him even more to Tina.

orange rescue cat with feline eyelid agenesis

If you’re interested in knowing more about this charming feline, simply hop onto Instagram and give Benny a follow. His account, @mycatbenny, is sure to fill your feed with adorable pictures and charming moments.

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