Rescued: Abandoned Dog with Huge Tumor gets Second Chance (VIDEO)

How far can the cruelty and insensitivity of some people go? We cannot say for sure, as we still have to deal with sad stories like the one we will tell today. The main character is a poor dog abandoned and with a huge tumor on its leg.

We find ourselves in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Here resides Edina Pasic, a volunteer who dedicates her time to rescuing animals in need or abandoned. One day, she came across a photo on social media of an abandoned Amstaff dog found in the woods. The dog’s physical condition was quite alarming, as it appeared to have a massive tumor on one of its paws.

The individual who discovered it only took photos. Edina, on the other hand, rushed into the woods herself to save it. The furry creature immediately showed itself to be friendly and playful, despite the excruciating pain it had been enduring for who knows how long.

After being brought to the clinic, the suspicions unfortunately turned out to be true. The poor Amstaff, whom Edina decided to name Alphonzo, had a 6kg tumor on his front leg that needed to be removed immediately. The veterinarians quickly performed the surgery, having to also inevitably remove the leg affected by the tumor. Furthermore, the fact that his ears were cropped was confirmation that Alphonzo had been abandoned by his previous owners.

What matters most is that the story didn’t end on a negative note. Alphonzo is now full of vitality and energy, just waiting for someone to adopt him and give him all the love he deserves, the same love that people like Edina show every day!

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